Saturday, January 17, 2009

The last minutes of a lonely Airship.

Picture by ms4jah

This is an Amazing picture. It speaks more than a thousand words.

However, to say it short.........
15th January, 3.30 p.m, New York
A US airways plane gets both its engines on fire after a flock of geese just flew into it immediately after lift-off from New York. Chesley Sullenberger, the pilot, decides as quickly to abandon the plane into the adjacent Hudson river instead of returning to the airport. The 200 tonne plane floats on the icing water of Hudson . 161 passengers and crew scamper out onto the wings & rubber chutes in minutes before rescue ferries arrive by the dozen. The rescue operation is 100% successful and over in 7- 10 minutes before the plane sinks on one side & gets pulled downstream by the strong under current. Finally it had to be towed back to shore by a crane on a barge.

From starting a flu epidemic to downing jet planes , the ability of 'birds' surely deserve a place on the list of WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction).

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